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User-defined header variables not synching up between different CMMs


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We have two CMMs, an Accura and a Contura. I created two user defined variables and am using those variables in piWeb as well as the report name. Everything was working great on the Contura until I tried to run the same program on the Accura, it recognized that I used K2003 in the run screen but lost the name and the drop down list. I recreated the user-defined variable on the Accura the exact same and tried it on the Contura and it did the same thing. It recognized the Accura's variable existed but lost all of its information. 


So basically right now I have the same variable created on both machines but each machine is only truly recognizing its own variable and not the other's. 

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If you are using SBS or Enterprise, are you updating the database extension via Extras - Settings - Environment - PiWeb Reporting - Database extension?


If this is purely local PiWeb, then make sure you are creating them exactly the same on both machines (including the internal name). You can also cheat by just copying the userfields.ini file from one machine to another. It is found in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Zeiss\CALYPSO\protocol\protform (make sure if you have multiple copies of Calypso installed you go to the one for that installation)

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We are purely local for now. I did find that local path a minute ago. I will get one machine the way I like and copy it over. 

Is that an editable path in Calypso? I would like to move the path to a network drive. 

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Unfortunately not for those files. 

You could always do something with Microsoft SyncToy and setting up daily schedules to run and sync the files. 

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