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how to program a hexagon true position


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With allen key 🙂

No, really, provide a sketch, how does datum system and it's features look like?

What is your measuring sofware?

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Depending on what you can use.

You can scan planes and recall it into cylinder - or lines into circle with tangential evaluation ( smallest diameter )
You can choose 4 opposing planes to make symmetries and intersection them.
You can make 2D curve similar to circle and do alignment from curves with XY translation and Z rotation ( depending on it's axis ) then placing theoretical point into nominal origin of hexagon and use features alignment previously stored from curve.

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So....are you asking for a position of a HEXAGONAL feature, or how to do it on a PC-DMIS (a software created by HEXAGON, Inc.) machine? Two different questions with different answers....

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On the chance it is a six-sided hexalobe and depending on the exact details of the position callout. I would measure the 6 planes of the hex. Then create either symmetries (or symmetry planes) between the opposing pairs of planes. Intersect the three symmetry planes gives you a vertical line. This can be intersected for a point onto a plane. That can then be used to evaluate position of the entire pattern. Or you could report the position of the three opposing side using each symmetry. Again, this all depends on the details of the position callout.

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Is this a calypso question? In pcdmis you can lock in the alignment of opposing hexalobes and do a hit point scan along the entire hexagonal profile at a certain depth with each point a set distance from each other and take the centroid of all the hits. Just need to make sure you have enough hits to average out the bad hits or asymmetrical hits.

Does calypso allow you to take a pattern of hits along a profile like a hexagon?  If so does it then allow you to derive a centroid location of all the hits? It should, bc it is just a bunch of xy data points and the software should be able to derive the centroid location of all the hits.

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