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Move features to new position?


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Some time ago I created a complex program with CAD. Now some holes and surfaces have changed their position. Exchanging the CAD for the new one was no problem. My question: Is it possible to drag the moved features to the new position or do I have to delete them and create new ones?

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If there is like a consistent offset for them (like say everything needs to move 20 mm in +X and 50 in the -Y), you can set up a secondary alignment that incorporates that offset and in the feature you can go to the alignment dropdown and select "keep position" and then change the alignment.




You'll notice that the X, Y, Z values have not changed but the physical location of the feature has since it is in a new alignment. From here you can turn off the "keep position" checkmark and then go back to the base alignment (if you want).


Unfortunately, there isn't really a way for effectively random changes in multiple features (1 moving in 1 direction and another in a different way).


I hope this is helpful.

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If you have created those features by extracting them from CAD, then you have to A) modify nominals on existing one B) extract new feature.

If those changes are minor ( only two dimensional ) then i would use drawing, or from extracted  feature.
If it's more complex ( angles, lengths ) then i would extract new one, then using brush tool to copy old strategy to new one, then copy to clipboard name of old feature and delete it. Then place old name to new feature. This way you should have almost all done.

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