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Run Pallet Alignment with every run


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Have fixture that holds multiple parts.  The pallet program is set up using the pallet base alignment(cnc) for the pallet and part base alignment for the part alignment.  I want the pallet program to automatically run the base alignment on the pallet each time.  I am able to do this by selecting the 2 icons and run both programs but that requires the operator to remember to select the 2 icons in the right order.

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Hi Tom,

is it really necessary? Most of fixtures are mounted by screws, so they don't move. So you can first run only fixture whenever you are mounting fixture for the first time, and then you just run parts.

If i understand your post you are running always fixture and parts every time?

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Please tell me how - i think that Tom is using two programs - first select fixture program, then with shift key ( or control ) selects part program. I don't think this is possible to automatize.

Well perhaps PCM can, but that's unknown for me.

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In Autorun:

  • CTRL-click icons in desired order
  • Click "Sequence" button in lower right corner
  • (Optional: reorder program list with arrows on the right)
  • If more than one sequence needed: Save sequence with disk button

To run sequence:

  • Click Sequence button
  • Click load button
  • Load desired sequence
  • Click OK
  • Click Run button.


  • Doesn't prevent users from ignoring sequence and CTRL-clicking icons in wrong order anyway
  • Doesn't work across layers
  • A Calypso MEH...😒: If you take away the "Define sequence" privilege, the user can't even open the sequence dialog to choose an existing one to run. Well done Zeiss. 🙄
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The sequence option would be good if the saved sequence was the default sequence when opening the autorun.  In other words, I will ALWAYS want to run this in this manner.  For now, selecting each icon in the desired order seems to be the best option.

Still digging into why the pallet does not provide the desired repeatable location.  I suspect they are not using the (cnc) alignment on the pallet.

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 If there would be no CNC alignment, then running that program won't change anything.

Is that fixture removable or do they remove that fixture after measurement?
Does that fixture move while changing parts?

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