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Using RDS XXT Sensor and storing probes in the rack prior to rotation of A90B0.


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Is there a way to have the RDS sensor automatically rotate to A90 B0 during a probe change but prior to approaching the probe rack?

I would like the rotation to happen when the sensor is clear of Z safety Cube and basically central to the safety Cube in X and Y axis to prevent accidental contact with either of the Y axis columns at probe change events.

I try to plan all my articulations, butt, sometimes they slip by. 



I am working with large parts and max length styli; approach parameters can't really help. This is also a dual sensor CMM, XTR and XXT. Rack assignments are limited.

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A workaround I was using years ago was to take a measurement of a point on top of the part with the probe rotated the same way as the probe change, just before going to the rack. Called it Point_Z_Ref.1 or something. Then just Mark/Hide the characteristic for it.

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This seems like it needs a My Voice suggestion.

We already have a method to clear the part in the Z axis in Approach parameters by using "9999" in the Z selection.

This occurs every time a probe change is signaled by the program.

If we can get Zeiss to add that the probe should move to the center of the Safety Cube at Z maximum and change the rotation to A90B0 (Or the respective setting for the location of your Probe Rack). That would solve any future issues with incidental contact.

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