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Calypso Report for Customer


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Hello all,

Quick question, is there a way to output results with the use of rounding to three decimal places only?

Our customer only is interested in values to this extent and we are attempting to provide reports to satisfy this requirement.

We have revised our Calypso program to only display values to three places, but since there is an issue at the fourth or fifth decimal place, it is reported as out of tolerance.

Ex.  S/B: 10.000 +/- .005 dimension.

       Is: 10.005002

This result will then show up as red on our PiWeb report.

Using Calypso 2022, ServicePack 1.


Thanks for any assistance provided,

James Canham



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Unfortunately, that doesn't help.
Fewer digits are then displayed, but if there is a value of e.g. 1.052mm on the 4th digit and the tolerance is +-0.05, a red deviation is still displayed in the report.
I've been looking for a solution for a while.
Calypso doesn't round, it simply cuts off the last digits on the report.

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Leider hilft das nichts.
Es werden dann zwar weniger Ziffern angezeigt, aber wenn an der 4. Stelle ein Wert von zB 1,052mm steht und die Toleranz bei +-0,05 liegt, wird im Report trotzdem eine rote Abweichung angezeigt.
Ich suche schon länger nach einer Lösung.
Calypso rundet nicht, sondern schneidet einfach die letzten Ziffern im Report ab.

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There is another post with the same title that may help your situation.


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