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Calypso Report for Customer


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Hello all,

Quick question, is there a way to output results with the use of rounding to three decimal places only?

Our customer only is interested in values to this extent and we are attempting to provide reports to satisfy this requirement.

We have revised our Calypso program to only display values to three places, but since there is an issue at the fourth or fifth decimal place, it is reported as out of tolerance.

Ex.  S/B: 10.000 +/- .005 dimension.

       Is: 10.005002

This result will then show up as red on our PiWeb report.

Using Calypso 2022, ServicePack 1.


Thanks for any assistance provided,

James Canham

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If you really want to ignore those numbers beyond rounding, then use result element, where you can do your own rounding formula

I think it would be this simple formula

round(getActual("10a - Width").actual,3)

round: rounding number

Don't forget to mark characteristic without rounding and check to hide marked items.

This is the hardest approach - perhaps on PiWeb side would be an easier way with some formulas on protocol.

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I can believe I am about to post this but another way is to increase the tolerance limits to an amount that you will allow you to sleep at night.  For example, let's say you are willing to risk that anything that is under .00001" out of tolerance is okay. Using your example, you would make the tolerance 10.000 ±.005010 and only display 3 decimal places.  Your tolerance will look like ±.005 but it will be green.  On the other hand, you could request a waiver for the .000002 out of tolerance condition.

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Is there any chance that this is an issue with floating point precision? I don't think that it is, but I'm not well versed enough in computer science anymore to say for sure.  

Otherwise, I agree with Tom and his earlier posts.

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🤣 I feel the same way.

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But in a pinch, its as easy as 1, 2, 3.








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Sometimes ±.0002 can be ±.00024. 🤐 It can be our little secret.

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Thanks to all for supplying several options to this request.

There are very creative and will be tested to see which one our customer accepts.

Tom, thank you for ASME, callout, we have attempted many times to reference this statement to our engineering, and still the rounding section exists in our QA Insp. Manual!!


Thanks again, these replies will greatly help.

James Canham

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