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Typical Probe qualification Stdev tolerance


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Hi everyone,

Looking to understand what the typical probe qualification tolerances are. When I came to my new company, I noticed they are using a 0.001mm tolerance for the probe stdev. Is this a typical tolerance? In the past, I have used .01mm.

I suppose it could depend on your typical part tolerance.


Equipment: Zeiss Prismo Navigator, Vast Head



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The standard deviation is a statistical value for the amount of variability in a data set, such as a set of points. It does not show the range of a point set, which could be higher due to one or more outliers. It is an average value of the deviation of the point set to the mean value. When calibrating, this value should be well lower than a micron or 0.001 mm. A value of 0.01 is almost catastrophically bad and points to a problem with the probe system. 

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Thanks for the feedback. From my understanding, this could depend on equipment and environmental capabilities. If you are not in a stable environment and not equipped with a machine accurate to that level, you could struggle. 

In my past life, we used .01mm but this was a Sheffield retrofitted with a PH10 and Calypso.  

What does your company use for probe Stdev tolerance, and what equipment are you using? 

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It depends....

Contura CMMs with XT Gold = 0.0003mm Standard Probes 0.0005 for our very long probes.

GageMax CMMs with XT Gold = 0.0005mm Standard Probes 0.0008 for very long probes

Our Crappy GageMax that only measures loose tolerance parts = 0.001mm for all probes

DuraMax/Eclipse with XXT = 0.001mm for all probes

Eclipse with RDS and TP20 = 0.003mm



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