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Start the GOM software and a script using Python


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Hello All,


I would like to start the program and one of the script by using external python script.

I could open the software with the following:


filepath = 'C:/Program Files/GOM/2020/bin/gom_inspect.exe'
import os


Could you give advice about starting a script with external python?




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There is an "-eval" command line parameter which can be used to run scripts in GOM Software by importing them.

Lets's assume you have such a script called my_script in GOM Software:


Than you can run it by command line parameter from another script this way:

import subprocess
subprocess.call ('"C:/Program Files/GOM/2020/bin/gom_inspect.exe" -eval "import my_script"')


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  • 1 year later...


I am using Gom Suite (2021 version). I need to open blade inspect pro after opening suite. Could you please share updated code for 2021 version?



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