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(Help Needed)How to do infinite touch points in a revolution piece.


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I want to know if it is possible to do infinite touch points to make a circle and find the diameter of the real circle with Gauss.I need this because the real piece has the maximum diamteter at a different height. I can create 8 touch on deferent sections but i want to do more than that

I thought maybe was the option touch circle but seems that is the wrong option.

Thank you!

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Hello Victor,

is this what you are looking for?
Maybe a "normal" surface curve with measuring principle project works, too. This depends on what you mean by touch points.

After the creation select all points of the touch curve with the right mouse button -> Construct fitting circle (Gauß) -> referenced construction.


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if you need the outer diameter of a revolution surface you can usually try to use the function  Construct -> Section -> Silhouette

But this really depends on your data set and your concrete application (example images could be helpful for explaining).

Hope this helps?!



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