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Export histogram


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Is there a way how to export a histogram of deviations, for example for Inspection section of for Surface comparison?

The only related thing (at least by the name) I found in Script objects is "discrete_histogram_table", but I'm not exactly sure what type of object it is and how to work with that. Another option would probably be a "Scalar value of element" object, that should give me scalar values of the deviation for each point of the section, but when I try to export the values of this nparray, it gives me zeros (see attached image).

Any idea, how to get either histogram data or the deviation data of the section?



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Hello Nanno,

thank you for your reply. Can you please explain in more detail what element do you mean and what "Deviation" box should be checked?

Thank you


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Hello Nanno,

I would like to remind myself with the plea for more detailed explanation for the terms mentioned in your reply.

Thank you


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