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Measuring volume - Atos II Triple Scan


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Hey all,

I would like to know what measurement fields are available for the Atos II Triple Scan system and what measuring point distance corresponds to them.



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GOM ATOS II Triple Scan.pdfAttached is the Hardware User Manual for ATOS II Triple Scan.  Table 3.1 on page 8 lists factory-supported measuring volumes. The standard ATOS II units provides 3 camera mounting positions: SO @28 degrees (SO = "small object"), 400mm @27 degrees, and 400mm @15 degrees, covering volumes MV38, MV60, MV100, M170, MV320, MV560, MV700, MV1000 and MV1400.   Table 3.1 also shows lens and projector focal length requirements.  Two things should become immediately obvious: (1) With readjustment, the same lens set can produce multiple measuring volumes depending on which position the cameras are mounted in, and (2) you can implement your own measuring volumes with commercial off-the-shelf lenses if you can procure the calibration plates.




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