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User Defined Export Filter


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I would like to modify the supplied CSV export filter to remove some unnecessary columns and adapt it for a specific application. When I export one of the existing filters I see that the file format is type .xslz. This appears to be a binary format and is not editable with a standard text editor. Is there capability within gom to edit these export filter definitions? When I look in Preferences->import/export->Export I see a list of available filters and at the bottom there is an option for "user" and the capability to import. Is there a way to create these .xslz definition files externally and then import?

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Hello Jeff,

xlsz is a double zipped file. So you can unzip it twice to get the xsl files. The easier way is to copy the format into the user space. Just Strg + C and and Strg + V the format in the preferences window. Then you can find the format in "\AppData\Roaming\GOM\2022\export\xslt". Here you can modify it.



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