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Moving from right to left cell of the Scanbox.


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Hi ,

I opened two Atos projects, then I initialized and calibrated the sensor on one side of the Scanbox, however, I had to measure the part on the other side because it became a priority.

After inspecting the priority part, I closed the window of the scan box, and could not initialize the other side which I had initially initialized and calibrated. I had to exit and closed the

program and copied a previous project to be able to do the inspection on the side.

Kindly, explain what I did wrong and how to handle the situation if it occurs again.

Thank you.



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Hi, sorry for the late answer.

It is hard to help on such questions in the forum. From your description I cannot determine want went wrong. If the same happens again, please contact your local support contact. Thank you.

Matthias Aalto

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