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Exporting a CSV with an absolute timestamp (and adding other relevant measurement info)


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Hi all,

I am interested in exporting elements over multiple stages in absolute time rather than relative time. How can I get this done?

In my case, I'm tracking the displacement/orientation of a Touch Probe defined cylinder. When I change the stage timeline to Time and I go to File > Export > Stage Data > CSV..., the first line of the output CSV file will only read the following:

"name,type,attribute,id,3705.282 s, 3705.482 s, 3705.682 s, ..."

I'd prefer having something like "11:05:23.282 s, ...". How would I do that?

Finally, is there also an automatic way to add the project name, date of measurements, the measurement start time, and all the units of the measurements to the header of an exported CSV file?

Kind regards,



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Hello Jasper,

if you choose the Format CSV Component within the Dialog of the CSV Export, you will receive the absolute timestamp for each stage. 

Within this file you find also a few more information from your project.

Unfortunately there is no way to add or replace any information to a export file.

Greetings, Ivan 

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