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Extensometers: Rigid Body Motion


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When creating an extensometer, the software uses two facet points that are then tracked across all images. Is the tracking done with strain and rigid body motion? In other words, is the software trying to find deformation AND motion of the facets, or just motion? 

If the software is trying to find deformation, is there a way to configure the extensometer to only find motion? In my application, I need to track features across several images, but I am unable to use point markers, as the sample is microscopic. 

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Hi Rodrigo,

The tracking of the facet is working in the same way like you searching for the facet in normal surface component inspections. The SW uses the creation stage as reference for the facet and tries to find the same grayvalue condition and size in the other stages. The facet will never be in the same condition. They will deform and move. So the creation of the extensometer will also consider this fact.

So the Sw is trying to find the deformed facet and the moved position and calculate relatively the length change from both points to each other. 

Can you be more precise what do you try to inspect? Maybe there is a better way to reach your target.

Greetings, Ivan

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