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how to meaure negative angle


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Dear All

I would like to measure angle between plane and line, but depending on line orientation i would like to have positive or negative value.

Is it possible ?

With method illustrated below i always get positive values.

Instead plane i could use other type of geometry if this would help, for example axis system or another measurement method.


Best Regards


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sorry, in general, angles are not negative. But what you can do instead: Check rotations of coordinate systems. 

Unfortunately the construction is a little bit more complex even if you only need one axis!

Construction two coordinate systems:

  • First coordinate system: First direction (X) is the "projected" line  in the plane and second direction is the normal of the plane (Y)
  • Second coordinate system: First direction is the line  (X) and second direction is the normal of the plane (Y)
  • Create a 2-coordinate-system distance
  • Check this coordinate system on a rotation in Z

Hope this helps?!



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