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Problems with Element Selections (Errors)


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I am using GOM inspect Pro with the T-Scan Hawk 2. I am running into issues trying to create elements that result in the error, "During the computation of the current selection an error occurred. (The selected points do not result in a plane.)" This is not something that I run into with every file, but is beginning to be more frequent and I'm hoping for a solution.

I've experienced this with other geometries as well, cylinders, points, etc.

So far I have tried multiple selection tools, selecting individual triangles, importing with high triangulation, and converting CAD file to STL in solidworks before importing to GOM.

Is there a certain CAD file type that GOM prefers? Are there settings that can be adjusted in either solidworks or GOM that will allow me to select the geometry to be measured or anything else that may help remedy this situation?

I'll attach a photo below, and thank you in advance.



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This doesnt look to be an issue with the CAD.  Auto nominal on cad then fitting element as your measuring priciple is the way.  Its likely the scan data in this area is not planar , therefore returning the error.

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I'm trying to put together a program before the part is produced. I imported the CAD, then operations-CAD to mesh, then established a prealignment. Then yes, I did an auto nominal on CAD with the fitting element as you stated with the same errors. From what you've stated, should there be something looked at with the place holder mesh derived from the CAD then?

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According to you screenshot, the problem is the actual mesh. Maybe the tessalation is too bad for actual selection. I would assume that the planar areas is only one or two triangles wide. Please call refine mesh on the actual one to create some rows of triangles (3-5 should be enought) and and recalc the project. Hopefully this solve your problem


Of course, if you scan the real part then the system will automatically create more triangles due to imperfection of the real part. Therefore this problem should only appear on simulated data with unsufficient triangulation for automatic selection.


Hope this helps

Christoph Schult 

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hopefully christophs suggestions make sense.  It is not unusal to get this with mesh from Cad .   With such a thin face , if you visualise the triangles then its probably only 2 triangles that make the face , regardless of CAD setting.   The refine tool on the mesh should help as christoph suggests.  Sometimes i scale this psudo mesh a little (fractions of percent) simply such that deviation reports show non zero.

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when features are small / short and software see them as something different we can lock possebilities of weird calculations by sections:cyl.JPG.f19294f812b3a3c874fa9ae780a40115.JPG



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You can scale a Mesh by going to Operations - Mesh - Other - Scale. Make the Mesh visible, select it, and then enter the scaling factor (less than 1 is smaller, and greater than 1 is larger). 

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