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Pointcloud shifts in each stage


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I have a question regarding the "poincloud" function which is used to visualise the surface strain of a pattern. When I integrate the pointcload at my reference surface in stage 1, the points then shift in every next stage in one direction (see the photos attached). I actually thought each of these points are fixed to a specific facett of the selected surface. Do you know a solution for this problem, or can you explain me why it moves like this? 

Thank you very much for the help.

Best regards,


Screenshot (8).png

Screenshot (7).png

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  • 5 months later...

Hello Michael,

I do not exactly got what you are doing, but I assume you created some points ("pointcloud") and checked them for strains?! Looks like the projected points are used here...
If you want homologuous points, create some points on the surface or use (Equidistant) Deviation Labels.

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