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What is alignment for selection ? section miss parts


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I have this problem from time to time in differend parts - i need to make some small section (blue rectangle here) and measure something in it( height of this letters by points here). When i'm measuring new pieces the selection hits random parts and if i measure small things it cannot hit my blue rectangle or sometimes hits grey one 

I know a little - i know its because my fixturing method is very differend for every part because its cheap and i will not have anything bether.  It looks like selection is made on scanner coordinate system but cad follows actual mesh ... or something like that... 

so if my new parts are measured in differend locations i need to manualy fix or check some selections for be shure its not made on grey area for example . 

Is it possible to do something like on CMM - make the selection to be made in alignment constructed by me ? ? or any other way how to fix this ?


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if your constructed element has the flag 'Required alignment' set the parametric of your selection stay in the alignment (coordinate of the selections). IMPORTANT: Ensure that all prerequisite elements which you are using also has a 'Required alignment' set. If you are not familiar with the concept of 'Required alignment' contact your local ZEISS partner for more information on this topic.

Other possibility would be to use the 'Selection by Cube' and to define the selection by nominal coordinates.

Hope this helps?!



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