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Changing from 2 to 3 digits in old projects.


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114622572_PlaceH.PNG.ddade66b97d6f088995b309fce53d7f4.PNGHello team,

I need to make bellow change in few old programs :

How can I change the ratio from 0.00 to 0.000 without editing  "PLACE HOLDERS " in the entire report. ? Currently "range" must be redone after this change to 3 decimal places. Is there a shortcut?

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You can use "reconfigure reports" from the context menu of the reports to change the setting in the reports after changing it in the preferences.

Kind regards,

Thomas Trentmann



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HI !

This how i work now. I need advice about question 2 .

"Currently "range" must be redone after this change to 3 decimal places."

-Can I avoid resetting of the RANGE, after I change decimal places ?Range.thumb.PNG.ec7ed04bc4f2f9708100acca35151442.PNG

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