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Selecting several patch inside a bounding box


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In some CAD software, user can select several surfaces having points inside the bounding box defined on screen with the mouse by user.

It's sometime easier/faster to select more surfaces than needed with one command and then unselect to unnecessary ones than select all of them one by one.


Is it possible to select several patches of a step file imported in GOM Inspect by defining a bounding box on screen ?

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Yep...find the select/deselect thru surfaces tool in the bottom toolbar, if it is not there, go to edit > selection in 3d > surfaces and you can select it in there or drag that into the bottom toolbar for easier use later on.


Then when you select it left cilck and start drawing around a cad part and to finish the box you draw hold right click button down and select the first option, you can select the 2nd option when you are holding that right mouse button down to deselect what you just boxed on the cad part.  There is also a 'patch' tool that clicks surfaces defined by feature lines from the CAD to deselect and select with more precision after you use the select thru surface tool.


Be warned that when doing this select thru surfaces tool it records the shape you draw and the orientation you have the part on the screen, therefore it isn't my preferred method...I prefer to click the actual surfaces. The only way I see it hurting you is if you move the cad model, which most likely you won't do.

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