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Kiosk Mode - Post Measure Script


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We currently run our measures from project_templates and then run a export_control script afterwards to automatically check our keywords are correct and generate the required outputs (STL, CSV, .TXT, PDF & a reduced project) for each measure.

I have set up Kiosk mode to try and streamline the process of measurement however I would like this script to be loaded at the end of each measure.

For example I can set up a batch of 10 parts, as normal in the Kiosk interface, then when each measure is completed it runs the export_control script allowing me to check the keywords and create all the various outputs. Is there a way to do this? Are there any help guides or tech guides on Kiosk mode online?

I've had a look/play with the custom patch generator and the other tools available for Kiosk mode but I can't find anything allowing me to run a script.  



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