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Get label's position in the 3d view


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is it possible to get the label's position in the 3d area? With label's position I don't mean the point, but rather the position of the rectangle. This i because I make the script that create a label deviation instead of the dN deviation and I want to replace the dN label with a deviation label in the report and I would to put the new label in the same position as the dN label. I attach images to better explain myself.



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You can use "gom.script.cad.set_label_position" to set the offset of the new label to the offset of the old label

old_label=gom.app.project.inspection['Surface comparison 1'].deviation_label['Surface comparison 1.1']
new_label=gom.app.project.inspection['Surface comparison 1'].deviation_label['Surface comparison 1.2']



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