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Thank you to the GOM team


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I have done a ton of product modeling in Siemens NX, creo, solidworks, fusion. I have a list of things I cannot stand for each of those programs other than NX. NX is so good, and I miss using it.

When I began using GOM, I didn't quite understand it, but now that I do, you all have done a great job designing this software. I'm doing advanced things now and the software is allowing me to do it.

Thank you for a great piece of software, I enjoy using it every day at work.

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Hi Tim,

thank you very much for your post. It is really appreciated by the whole development team. And for sure we are all loving our work and try hard to get more of such feedback.

Usually in the daily business we are talking often about complaints and improvement possibilities. So we are always really happy to get also such kind of feedback!

Best regards,



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