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CT scanning fixtures


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Hi all,

We have a Metrotom 6 scout and are running into some fixture issues when scanning peek material. I was wondering what other facilities use as fixturing when it comes to CT scanning.


Thank you

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Hello Tien Hoang, 

typically we are using various types of foam as fixture material. Depending on the region, the foam might be under different brand names and can be purchased online or in  a hardware store.
Generally the less dense the foam, the easier it will be to separate the parts from the fixture.

An alternative for really small parts or parts with low density, where foam can not be used, is to use small carbon fibre sticks either clamping the part or glueing the part onto them. Of course this is only an option when the area of the part, which is in contact with the stick, is not of furhter interest.

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We also use foam for the most part, as long as the part we are scanning is a plastic of some sort. If i scan any metals I normally do not have an issue. Plastic is the only one that can get challenging

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