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Capture 3D images with ATOS 5 to be analyzed in GOM Correlate


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Hello support team,


we have a mechanism that we would like to analyse, in term of kinematics.

I remember hearing that this was possible with the ATOS (with frequency and volume limitation of course).

The analysis part is quite clear to me. My question is more about the acquisition : how can I generate the 3D images? Can I do it within the ATOS Professional software?


Do not hesitate if you need more details.


Many thanks.


Benjamin Rivalland

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Hello Benjamin,

it is technically possible to use the ATOS 5 as an ARAMIS Sensor, but it's not recommended and supported. 

You need the ARAMIS SW to take usable Images for the DIC. 

Greetings, Ivan

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Ivan,


okay, I had been told that it was doable at low frequencies (about 10Hz) but maybe this was not a correct information.


Thanks for your answer.





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