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Surface Comparison On Actual without & with CAD


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Any ideas why the surface comparison on actual visually looks different depending on the CAD being turned on and off?  Can these be made to look the same?  Without CAD appears to be a better representation of surface deviations, but the report looks odd as a hollow shell.  Please see attached images.  526539485_SurfacecomparisonOnActualwithCAD.thumb.png.4c137731d8c977643533732f9b3cbe2c.png735020044_SurfacecomparisonOnActualwithoutCAD.thumb.png.7ab187d35d4a01465ffc1855c51444c5.pngThanks!

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may be I don't get it but you are visualizing two 3d-surface-datasets: CAD (which seems to have colored patches) and actual data (with comparison values on the actual data surface which are colored according to your legend settings). And the surface which is above in the 3d "wins" for visibility. Same would appear if you would show CAD and actual mesh at the same time. You have to set the CAD invisible to show only the deviation values on the mesh.

Hope this helps?!



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