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export undeformed coordinates, current coordinates and strain in csv file


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When I use Export -> stage file -> csv, stage files will be exported, showing in the attachment. But only the current coordinates are exported, how can I export the reference(undeformed) coordinate at same time?

Thank you!





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Hi Si,

we cannot put the undeformed coordinates to each stage. Just use the export file of the reference stage. So you can add these values afterwards, if you need it.

What is the purpose for that? You maybe can also check displacement x, y, z and export this values too. Then you are able to calculate backwards to references coordinates.

Best regards


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Hello Si,

I've been trying for a while to discover how to get that chart in the image, showing coordinates, strain and so on, but i just can't. It would be very nice if you could help me. Could you tell me how to do that chart, or where did you learn to do it? I'm specially struggling to get coordinates of points out of the software, I'm totally lost.

Thank you in advance for any help you may provide!


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Hello Miguel,

you receive this table, if you receive any inspection as a CSV file. Therefor, you have to select your inspection or element and go to Export -> stage file -> csv .

You have to fill out the dialog and change your type to CSV components. 

Afterwards the csv File will be exported to the path you choose. 

Greetings, Ivan

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Hi Ivan,

Thanks for your help, but maybe I didn't explain myself properly. My problem is related to how to obtain that arrangement of parameters, as I'm only able to create 1 table with only 1 parameter (e.g. one row showing a point and as many columns as frames showing epsX (photo), but I can't create more rows showing epsY, strain, etc.). Let me tell you I use Deviation Labels, I suppose that's the correct way to get points, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Moreover, Si showed in the image x,y and z coordinates of position, but in this case I just can't tell the software to show them to me, as it is not in the same toolbar as strain, displacement and so on.

These are my two main problems: putting more than one parameter in a table, and getting spacial coordinates of a point from the software.

Again, thanks for your help and attention.




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Hi Miguel,

now i got your point. I was mislead by the CSV File. 

Unfortunately this topic can't be described so easily within a forums entry. 

You can only use elements in the table which only have scalar values as inspections. For example points, analog values etc. .So any element which can also be shown in a diagram. 

The table itself can be created manually. So you can add additional information in a column while giving the input a function keyword which obtains the information you like to know. Afterwards you can save the new table as a template.

How to edit the table is quiet a long topic which can't be described in a forums entry.

Greetings, Ivan

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Thank you Ivan, I've been able to solve my problem. I agree with you, it's difficult to explain this in an entry, so do you know where could I improve my knowledge about GOM software? Tutorials, guides... I just don't have enough with the ones provided by the company, as you may notice.

Again, thank you very much!



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Hi Miguel,

we have a "get started" Area in the SW where you find an input for your very first steps in the SW. 

An other opportunity is the Trainings Center were you find a few e-learnings. We are also starting to creating a additional Area called Tech Guide were you will find additional information. https://techguide.gom.com/de

Otherwise, you have to contact your GOM Partner and ask them for a Training. 

Greetings, Ivan

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