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Access script object


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Dear all,

i am trying to export surface component on which von Mises strain is shown as a CSV file. For that I want to use a script. Under script objects I can see my surface component (Fig1). It shows that it is a  Data array (size [160, 5901, 3]). However, if I try to access this array in the script I get only NaN (see Fig2). Why does it show as NaN?

Further observations: What I am figuring is the contents of the array is:

160 - nr of stages

5901 - my surface component points

3 - coordinates of each of those points

Furthermore, the shape of "Scalar value of element" in Fig 1 is Data array (size [160, 5901, 1]). This suggests that each of the x,y,z, points has von Mises strain associated. But I am not able to access these as well - also showing as NaN.


All the best,




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Dear Mr. Saarna,

I'm not an expert in this field, but my guess is that there simply are no valid computation result for the selected points.

I tried a this with a different project and got similar results:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import gom
import numpy as np

a = np.array (gom.app.project.inspection['Surface component_1.phiM'].data.coordinate)
b = np.array (gom.app.project.inspection['Surface component_1.phiM'].data.scalar_value)


for point in [0, 500]:
	print("Point #", point)
	for s in range(23):

	for s in range(23):
(23, 12983, 3)
(23, 12983, 1)
Point # 0
[ 0.23043814 44.05475379 -0.08537407]
[ 0.30014222 44.82112556 -0.23165192]
[nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan]
[nan nan nan]
Point # 500
[17.6790147  11.18677551 -0.09242096]
[17.65089071 11.5638292  -0.12791365]
[17.61052254 11.98717482 -0.12953273]
[17.57434513 12.38810413 -0.13939174]
[17.54221074 12.81123063 -0.14940507]
[17.52088602 13.22036383 -0.16497711]
[17.4845557  13.61196885 -0.16948594]
[17.47897897 13.80562377 -0.17308054]
[17.44744833 14.21311332 -0.17318839]
[17.42783941 14.62347131 -0.19165491]
[17.41562041 15.04991794 -0.1761889 ]
[17.3787708  15.44771077 -0.19727733]
[17.36304034 15.86548575 -0.21428676]
[17.33316128 16.3024232  -0.22263852]
[17.30972669 16.70732846 -0.23582728]
[17.27424972 17.15810323 -0.23256656]
[17.25253028 17.60272263 -0.22540163]
[17.23975098 18.02373786 -0.27275953]
[17.22039675 18.44485297 -0.28343167]
[17.20261379 18.90940494 -0.27173562]
[17.17220256 19.32360576 -0.30878841]
[1.73431777e+01 1.97856612e+01 8.10996516e-06]
[17.32994137 19.32105726  0.05879889]

For the first point (#0), only the first two stages contain valid data. For the second point (#500) all stages contain valid data.

Best regards,

Matthias Prinke

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