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Clear display of software versions


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After registering at my.gom.com, you can download the various software packages under "Software". The "ZEISS Quality Suite" currently has no version number at all, while ZEISS Inspect 2023 has a multi-digit number that makes it difficult to recognise the version.




Is it planned in future - if there are different versions - to display the respective version more clearly to users?

Especially if you operate your own update server, you should be able to quickly recognise whether there is a new version or not or which version is currently available for download.


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To be more clear the version for ZEISS INSPECT installer is indeed the multi-digit number which is already in the file name - it is the product version. This number is displayed in various places, see below - and you know that a version is newer, if the number is higher (e.g. the 2023 Service Pack 1 will a number such as 2023.3.0.... while the current 2023 release version is 2023.2.0....)
And if you use the value "Current" as filter for the software version you can be sure, that you see the newest version which is available

  • in the ZEISS Quality Suite in Available Application as well as in My Application
  • in the ZEISS INSPECT Software in the splashscreen and the about screen
  • in Windows Apps&Features
  • and it is also used for "Update servers" as it is used for the corresponding folder on the update server as well as in the version-index.json for ZEISS INSPECT 

The string for the display version such as "ZEISS INSPECT 2023 Service Pack 1" we used for former versions in the installer file name you will later seen only in the "About Screen", but neither in the ZEISS Quality Suite, the Splash screen nor in Windows App&Features

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Thank you very much for the explanation of the ZEISS Inspect serial number. Unfortunately, a statement on the future procedure of the ZEISS Quality Suite is still missing. Always displaying the current version when selecting "Current" does not help if you operate your own update server and no version number is displayed with "Current", because it is not recognisable whether the current version displayed is the version on your own update server or not.

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