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How to find the Measuring Setup Calibration Information


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When you run the VMR Measuring Setup Calibration in the screen appears information about the match percentage and some other parameters as you can see in the image below. After accepting this operation, ¿how can I find the value of this parameters so I can use them in a script?


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you can find the information at the measuring setup. For example, for a measuring setup named "Measuring setup 1":

print("position:", gom.app.project.measuring_setups['Measuring setup 1'].cad_position.transformation)
print("deviation:", gom.app.project.measuring_setups['Measuring setup 1'].cad_position.bestfit_result.deviation)
print("last search distance:", gom.app.project.measuring_setups['Measuring setup 1'].cad_position.bestfit_result.last_search_distance)
print("used points:", gom.app.project.measuring_setups['Measuring setup 1'].cad_position.bestfit_result.used_points)
print("calibration state:", gom.app.project.measuring_setups['Measuring setup 1'].measuring_setup_calibration_status)

The "position" is the resulting position for the measuring object with respect to the link point (not the size of the change, which is displayed in the dialog in your screenshot). That is the same as you can see when opening the "Edit Creation Parameters" dialog on the measuring setup object in the explorer.

The percentages that are displayed in the legend are not available after closing the dialog.

Hope this helps.




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Thank you for your response.

I was trying to create a script to evaluate the match between the cad of the acquisition program and the part mounted on the gom machine. In this way, if someone opens the worng program, the script would detect it and an error message would pop up.

Other alternative would be to create an script that automatically opens the correct program based in the part mounted on the machine.

In both cases, I would need the information about the match.




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Please note that the measuring setup calibration is not intended to be used that way. Especially the automatically created positions assume that you have mounted the correct part at approximately the right position. If you mount something completely different, there is the danger of potential unchecked collisions.

For Kiosk operations we provide a safety check that works based on reference point patterns that are captured from the home position inside a ScanBox. That way the robot only needs to be moved very little, eliminating the risk of collisions. Maybe this is something that can be used in your case. You can find more about this in the Training Center in the Kiosk Workflow. Or ask your Application Engineer directly about this.



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Totally echo Jans comments using your own scripting wont help here and will more likely result in problems or potentially damage. 

Kiosk also supports project template selection logic , driven by part type for example , that could be inputted by barcode reader.

The method jan recommends works well if you are measuring a part very often with well defined fixturing

If this isnt the case and you have lots of parts in flexible setups the only proper answer is that the operator needs appropriate training and awareness. 

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