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Fitting Cylinder Height?


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I have a fitting cylinder which I am using to measure the approximate specimen width during a compression test.  However, I would actually like to know the cylinder volume.  For that, I need the height of the fitting cylinder.  I see that Height is not an available inspection in the I-inspect for my fitting cylinder, and if I go under Inspection > Check Dimensions > Other > Volume, it does not allow me to pick the fitting cylinder as my element of interest.  

I've also tried using facet points located near the upper and lower boundaries of my surface component to measure height, but they always lose tracking within a few stages.

Is there a way to get the measurement I want?  I am using GOM correlate Pro 2021.


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This can be done with a user-defined check (Inspection -> Check Dimensions -> Other -> User-Defined...).
Attached is a screenshot which shows the kind of formula that should give you the cylinder volume.


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Hi Brian, 
some additional remarks on your measurement:
please make sure to mask out the surface component! Otherwise the height could be very unreliable! Single (potentially wobbly/ bad) facet at the borders will have a big influence on the height of your fitting cylinder!
You can also create two point components on both of your brackets, instead of using facet points. This would be much more stable!
You could then use the lengthchange of a distance between the two components (tag points to components and construct a distance between these points), the initial height and the actual radius to get an approximated volume of your specimen.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,

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