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Export using currently opened project parameters


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I would like to use the currently opened project parameters like name of the project and path of the project. ( eg.: name: New_project 1; path: C:/Users/.../Desktop )

How can I implement these in my script? This is not in Kiosk just an user-defined script.


Best regards,

Máté Tömöri

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The following code may be helpful:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import gom
import gom_utils
import os

project_file = gom.app.project.project_file

print (project_file)
print (os.path.dirname (project_file))
print (os.path.basename (project_file))

There could be filename and Operating System constellations where this approach wouldn't work, but usually this  approach is sufficient enough.

Hope this helps?!



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Just an additional comment for more general access to project parameters:

In the script editor hit the F2 key and select "Object group: Project -> project -> ..." in the pop up dialog.

I am quite sure this is what Bernd did to get "gom.app.project.project_file".

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