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Error in script from older versions to SW2022


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Hello all, I have a question that maybe someone could help me with. Our customer has been using a script for stadistical calculation in older versions (v7.5 SR2 and v8). Since then , they have not updated the software until last year. We installed the SW2022 and the script, but the script is not running anymore. There is an error in Line201, and we can´t find the reason. Maybe some of you have an idea about what can occur here. I attach the script and also the error.

I will be very grateful if someone could help us with this issue.

Thanks in advance, 


command line.jpg


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Have you tried to insert a token in the script editor with "Insert->Element Value"?


With the selection above, 


gets inserted, which I hope fits your needs.

Best regards


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Thanks Matthias, I have tried to redo the script as you tell me, but I have not been able to make it work. Do you have any other suggestion? thanks in advance.


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