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Error : Import CAD


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Error MCADImport-0051: CAD converter message : Cannot import the file: API has crashed.


How can I fix?

all .stp file is cannot import.

gom inspect.jpg

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in this case you have to contact your local ZEISS partner and you must supply your CAD data (confidential) for a deeper investigation. 



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  • 1 month later...

I have the same, suddenly from last week use to now on 25 March 2023. I use the old GOM-Inspect-V8_Hotfix_10 application to import STP and export to STL..... same here "error MCADImport-0051:CAD converter message: Cannot import the file: API has crashed" I have restarted computer... still the same. Run it on DELL inspiron with NVidia

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Have you solved this problem? My software also has the same problem ( version, V8.5)

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please use this workaround. "Current Software" means the free version of Zeiss Inspect 2023:

  1. Use the current GOM Software Version for importing a CAD file.
    Neutral CAD formats like STEP and IGES can be imported into the free GOM Software.
    In the Professional Version of the GOM Software native CAD formats can be imported as well. 
  2. Create an actual mesh via: Operations / CAD / Convert CAD to Mesh and use therein the option CAD/CAD comparison.
    In doing so patch borders will be kept.
  3. Export this mesh as g3d file.
  4. Import the g3d file per drag and drop into a former GOM Software.
  5. Convert the actual mesh to CAD.
  6. Finally a CAD body in a former GOM Software is created.
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The following content is from a log file in C:\ProgramData\gom\log


CADImport Log #1 Wed Mar 27 11:39:12 2024

8.0-10 Build 2015-07-27
level 1 - Wed Mar 27 11:39:12 2024

CADImport[Client]: [2024-03-27 11:39:12] GOM-Module-CADImport-7980
CADImport[Client]: [2024-03-27 11:39:12] server started (pid 6932): D:\Program Files\GOM\V8\bin32\\cad-converter\gom_cad_server.exe
CADImport[Client]: [2024-03-27 11:39:12] connection: io: connection closed by other end
CADImport[Client]: [2024-03-27 11:39:12] connection: write: io failed in attempt to write 1 bytes
CADImport[Client]: [2024-03-27 11:39:12] error in remote call of function #3: 22 (connection closed)
CADImport[Client]: [2024-03-27 11:39:12] pid 6932: process terminated with exit code -1073741819
CADImport[Client]: [2024-03-27 11:39:12] server stopped

8.0-10 Build 2015-07-27
level 1 - Wed Mar 27 11:39:12 2024

CADImport[Server]: [2024-03-27 11:39:12] GOM-Module-CADImport-7980 (pid 6932)
CADImport[Server]: [2024-03-27 11:39:12] cad_converter.cpp: constructor start
CADImport[Server]: [2024-03-27 11:39:12] cad_converter.cpp: constructor end
CADImport[Server]: [2024-03-27 11:39:12] cad_converter.cpp: api constructor start
CADImport[Server]: [2024-03-27 11:39:12] cad_converter.cpp: evolpath = D:\Program Files\GOM\V8\bin32\\cad-converter
CADImport[Server]: [2024-03-27 11:39:12] cad_converter.cpp: ctusrpath = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\gom\tmp
CADImport[Server]: [2024-03-27 11:39:12] cad_converter.cpp: api kernel NOT initialized
CADImport[Server]: [2024-03-27 11:39:12] cad_converter.cpp: api-version :
CADImport[Server]: [2024-03-27 11:39:12] cad_converter.cpp: api constructor end


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pour le problème de licence expirée (MCADImport-0051) quand il est impossible d'importer les CAD STP ou IGS,

il suffit de reculer l'horloge du computer d' un an ou plus, et il est possible importer les CAD.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

You also have to watch in which CAD software the CAD was exported in. Ive noticed that IGES files import in all GOM software's regardless the CAD Software used to create and export the CAD. I've noticed that CAD Software newer than 2021 using DEFAULT setting for and CAD File extension (minus IGES) to export a CAD will not import into my 2017. it will however import into the newer 2021 and up ZEISS Inspect. So be mindful of the CAD Software creating the export. 

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this looks to me like issues with attempting to import .stp and .igs files into much older versions of software ..say v8 .

There was a licence relating to that import in these older versions controlled by date..it is very likely this date has passed and the licence doesnt work anymore , hence the requirement to follow the workaround gievn for older software.


Im not at liberty to say as i dont work there anymore but honestly i would not expect it reasonable or probably even possible for the dev team to patch or fix this licence issue.  The likelt way forward in the end is to use the workaround or use a later version of software

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