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Reduced Visual (Speed Increase)


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Hello All,

I often work with large CAD files and it sometimes causing considerable lag when trying to link feature, navigate the software or apply principles etc. 

I understand a good chunk of this issue will be down to my computers power, and size/complexity of the CAD however I wondered if anyone knows of a way to reduce the load in the software so that it runs a little smoother with bigger files? 

for example, I've tried turning of the visual for boundary lines, changing surface tolerance etc. Just wondered if anyone knew of any other "tips/tricks" that could speed up the process with what I currently have? 

Cheers as always. 

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Hey kristian , hope you are well.  Im sure you are doing already but just to make sure you only include surfaces that are really interesting and use the clipboard to get rid of unwanted solids.  Examples i could think of might be any modelled threads in the model , likely not necessary and replace with more simple geometry .

Besides that you could maybe bind a key to toggle surfaces visible on or off ( i think possible!) so turn them off to move model round .

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Hey James, 
I'm good thank you. I hope you are as well!. 
I'll have a little look see. It was a "passed over" file so there is a likelihood it contains everything in the CAD.

Thank you for the tip though, I didn't consider going down to the level of removing threads etc.

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