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Points used for creation of an element differ with and without CAD data


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I found that the points udes for creation of an element (ex. a plane) are not the same with Auto Plane construct (with selection on CAD) and Fitting plane construct (with selection directly on mesh data and without Based on option), with Auto Plane construction, the selection of used points depend then also on the measurement principle and its parameters, like if Restrict actual selectio to nominal a,d Max. distance with Fitting Element. The consequence is that, if I want to check the flatness of a plane (GD&T), the final result varies as fonction of the parameters with Auto Plane construction. Finally, this two construct methods give different results on the flatness check, as shown in the figure attached. So what is the correct practice to construct an element based on the GD&T check to do and how to choose the related parameters? 

Waiting for answers from anyone



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the current selection have a major impact to the result of any inspection check and for GD&T checks especially. If you have no good reason to do otherwise we encourage you to use for GD&T checks the usage of GD&T quick creation that will create all needed fitting elements with the recommend parameters for you. You can find this function inside the inspection toolbar (for the SW 2020 and before) and inside the I-Inspect-GD&T-Section (for the SW 2021). This should deliver a good starting point that you can use for your evaluation. And of course please use nominal data if you have access to an CAD. This would deliver better results in general.

Best regards

Christoph Schult

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