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Slotted hole feature understanding


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I don't have experience with a slotted hole.  In the picture attached I'm trying to stress test the feature. Is is only providing a singular point in space at the equator of the feature?  Does this mean I can measure a position in both X and Y separately?  It appears it does not create any axis or line like a cylinder would so a positional measurement wouldn't pick up the slot if it is out of perpendicularity right?


In the second picture I'm using a method that seems to be working so far...I'm measuring an external slotted feature as a cylinder and applying minimum circumscribed to pick up the length via a diameter. Gets complicated passing along MMC to a planar position check, but I just use the user defined settings to do that.




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Hi Tim,

The first thing to note is that the slotted hole feature is intended for use with sheet metal style components .

They then can be used to drive a grey value capture of the slot.

It was the case that mmc wasnt supported on this feature , i dont know if this has changed in recent times , but it does provide a possibility to return its position based on its point/line that it creates 

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Thanks...makes a little more sense now how it works if it was intended for sheet metal.

I'm going to avoid that feature as it doesn't do what I'm looking for.  

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