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save data using grey value


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Good morning,

I have a question.
I have a project of some measured parts in my Atos gom in which I am using the principle of measuring grisies values.

My question is, how can I save the necessary information, if I would like to have all the data available again in case in two months I am asked to take information from this measurement and I no longer have the part physically available.
Until now we have never used this option and we exported the mesh and reloaded it.

I understand that using gray level, the information is in the photographs ...... can these be exported in some way?

What would be the best procedure? I understand that saving the whole project would be very expensive in terms of hard disk space.

any suggestions?

Thank you!

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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Hi Jon,

for a recalculation of grey value features you need the measuring data. You could use the measuring principle "grey value feature with mesh adaption". It will create a mesh with the features "stitched" into the mesh:

If you want to remove the measuring data but keep the pictures you may use this function. The pictures alone are not enough for the grey value features though:



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