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Not able to align for inspection


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Hi everyone,

I was trying yesterday to inspect some tooling we have. The thing I want to know is how good the average surface deviation is between the OLD and NEW tooling. The problem is that the part is not a perfect circle and that the flanges doesn't lineup properly. This makes it hard to make a alignment for both scan but also when trying to inspect it. I tried to do it with "local best fit" when aligning for inspection. But it didn't really align as I hoped.  Maybe the "local best fit" is not even the feature I should use for it, but I'm not sure what to use in stead. Is their someone that can help me with this?

I do not want to inspect the flanges really because I already know their are not the same. But it is all about the dome shaped surface that I would like to inspect.

I put a reference picture for context. One of the scans I already turned into a CAD-file because I thought it is needed to make the inspection? Maybe somebody also knows if you are able to inspect just two meshes to each other.




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  • [Ma...] changed the title to Not able to align for inspection
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Marijn,

Did you already try to create an alignment with geometry references. I did something like that and what I did was I create a plane on both mesh and CAD and on the alignment I reference then. I said that planes were on the same axes and they were the same (Nominal and Actual).

That allows the alignment to happen and you can compare the two parts that you want. With this you can use also the Local Best Fit to correct some imperfection on the alignment. 

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