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Error: The actual and nominal datum are not pointed in the same direction.


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I'm sending a video to our support team at Zeiss. But the last time I asked them about this they said there is no fix.


Here is the problem and later I will explain the solution I found later.  I started a new program and I'm looking for a surface profile with no Z degree of freedom locked down.  The lathe part is oriented with the internal,primary datum at Z+.  The secondary datum is a mid plane slot through the middle.  So the part is located and oriented with Datum CYL A and clocking is set with Datum PLN B.


Every 3rd part we get this actual vs nominal datum is pointed wrong.  X+ will be pointed in Y+. 


If I lock down the Z freedom the problem is over, but unlike with position, surface profile is going to no longer best fit in the Z direction if I lock it down. Also, a composite won't work here bc I need to locate the pattern to A not just have the proper tolerance with the FRTZF.


The solution to the datum error is simply to open each datum and just close it and it always fixes the error...so I do this with python, but I then have to recalculate .  with our old bloated programs with over 1000 features this is 1-2 min extra time.


Are you all aware of this datum pointed in the wrong direction error?

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