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Isolate only part of 'Inspection section on CAD' in diagram


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New to Zeiss, but I have been struggling with this for the past 2 hours. I have created an inspection section on CAD. From this, I would like to export the diagram values to a .csv. The exported .csv contains a column with the z-dimension and another column with the deviation. However, both line graphs are combined in one column. How can I isolate the export to get separate columns for the deviations? Aka, create an inspection section for only positive y-values of the part and another for the negative y-values.



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Instead of one section which comprises both the lower and upper part of your CAD, you can create a CAD selection first. E.g., you could use Edit->Selection in 3d->Other Selections->Select Patch to select only the upper part of the CAD by clicking on the part of the surface you are instersted in. Then create your "Inspection Section on CAD" as before. Now you can export the whole diagram without caring about positive or negative values.

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