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decalibration on a scan box


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a scan box is having issues holding calibration after the box has run calibration. we have tried running calibration on another set of lenses and still having the error.  Does anyone have any ideas of what it could be? I attached several photos. keep in mind this particular box is still running GOM 21.  i don't think it's an issue with the aperture or locking ring.  Thanks. 

hub root power error message.jpg


Capture 3.JPG



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Hi Robert ,

To clarify , you have tried running two sets of lenses , with two different fixture setups and in both cases you quickly end up in a decalibrated message?

The answer to most decalibration issues is something mechanically instable, particularly if the above is true .

It could be that for some reason the camera housings are not as tight as they should be.   

or If you are really unlucky the thread in one or both of the camera housings could be worn/damaged /cross threaded which means that a lens cannot remain stable to the chip.

In the end this is 99 percent sure a hardware issue that is going to be very difficult to solve via the forum alone.

You can get some more information about any special positions it goes out of calibration.  Put some fresh reference points on scanbox table , orient the sensor at various attitudes to see if it goes in /out of calibration.  For example if you turn the sensor upside down does it tend to decalibrate ?

Id suggest engaging with your local support to dig into this in detail with you.

I hope this helps in some way.



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