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Scripting and querying the support point on a plane


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Hello everyone...

A plane is geometrically uniquely defined by a base point or support point on this plane and by a normal vector. The normal vector of the plane can be queried in scripting (plane.normal), but apparently not the point on the plane. Is that correct?
Or can the point be queried in the scripting? If so, how?


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 what is you are ultimately looking to do?  Im not sure you can get access to this 'point' as it seves no functional purpose.

What effects the location graphically  it is the position within the display properties. 

I am not sure your description of the plane is correct from the software coding perspective , as only the normal is the only thing that is useful..  Im not sure the software guys on here would give out this level of detail.

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Hey Andreas,

I guess you are calling the normal with such an expression:

gom.app. ...['Plane'].normal

Please give a try with the same line, but calling the center coordinates instead of the normal:

gom.app. ...['Plane'].center_coordinate

-->  This is not part of the 'F2'-Script Object list, but it should work.


To double check this you can build a guinea pig:

  1. Build a plane
  2. Construct a point by clicking the plane name lable
  3. run a test 
    print (gom.app. ... ['Point'].center_coordinate)
    print (gom.app. ... ['Plane'].normal)
    print (gom.app. ... ['Plane'].center_coordinate)
  4. Plane and Point center coordinates should be the same

Hope this helps! - Gruß, Jens

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