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How to best-fit a curve through discrete points


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In my picture below, I have 49 discrete points and I would like to create a best-fit curve through these 49 points. Can anyone help explain how I can best-fit a curve through a series of discrete points?

  • Constructing a Section from Points does not work because it leaves me with an open ended curve, and it also uses straight line segments to connect each of the 49 points.
  • I did find a way to kind of achieve my goal by first constructing a Surface with Patch Compound from CAD, then constructing a Fitting Plane through my 49 points, and lastly constructing a Intersection Curve From Geometrical Elements. Although, this method isn't ideal because I would just like to best-fit a curve through these 49 points all their own (that is to say - best-fit a curve without needing to intersect the other CAD surfaces).


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This worked out great. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

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