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Note on the release notes for ZEISS INSPECT 2023


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Dear Support,

you recently published ZEISS Inspect 2023 SP3 and the associated release notes. In text form, 31 "bugfixes and improvements" are mentioned, whereby the paragraph "Covered cases" only lists 16 corrected errors.

For me as a user and system administrator, this poses several problems:

  • Which case number belongs to which text or bug description?
  • Do some error descriptions refer to errors that I have reported myself? My documents do contain the case numbers for my own error messages, but does an error description in the release notes actually refer to a specific case number that I have reported myself? You can only guess from the text... In any case, a clear assignment is no longer possible.
  • What about the 15 text passages that definitely cannot be assigned a case number from the list due to the lower number of case numbers? Are these all "improvements" without case numbers?

The text in the release notes mentions two points that have been improved with regard to the grey value feature and mesh adjustment:

  • Polygonise and Recalculate - Gray value Feature (Mesh Adaption):
  • Gray Value Feature (Mesh Adaption) / Height offset

Errors reported by me only related to the V2023:

  • Hexagonal hole "cannot be successfully adapted to the mesh" with VC
  • No mesh adaptation despite closed edge curve
  • Error in the calculation of edge curves/mesh adaptation
  • Mesh adaptation to edge curve is not calculated
  • Error MP "Grey value feature (mesh fitting)" for edge curve (trimming curve)

Does one or both of the improvements mentioned in the release notes affect the points I mentioned? If so, which one? The connection cannot always be clearly established, as the actual cause of the error within the software described in the release notes does not necessarily have to match the customer's own description of a potential error! A customer's error description often only shows certain "symptoms", the software-internal error described in the release notes can be a completely different one, which ALSO leads to the error pattern described by the customer!

A reliable and unambiguous assignment between reported errors and the improvements described in the release notes is only possible via the case numbers! It is therefore essential that these are included in the textual descriptions, if available!
Compared to the release notes for version 2022, the release notes for version 2023 are clearly a step backwards and "system administrator unfriendly".

Please check urgently whether the previous status of the documentation can be restored!
Many thanks in advance!

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thank you for the detailed feedback, which we really appreciate. We will discuss this internally.


Best Regards

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