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Collision Area to Avoid


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I'm working with a an ATOS Scanbox and Zeiss Inspect as software.

I've made some modifications on the fixture I have on my table and now I'm worried at every new robot position I'm creating in my scanning process. That's because the cad model is no longer identical to the reality.

Is there a possibility to create a collision area where the robot can't go?


Thank you.

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the fixture is represented as a tessellated CAD in the project, it can be seen in the Explorer in Measuring Setup -> VMR Fixture. You can adapt this CAD as you like (usually in an external CAD software). When dragging the CAD data into the project, select "Add as fixture" or "Replace fixture". For constructing very simple structures (basically boxes) you can also use the "Geometries" addon (https://software-store.zeiss.com/de/products/apps/geometries or via Suite).

There is also the possibility to define "collision objects", that behave similar to "fixtures", but are transparent to the measurement simulation. It blocks movement of the robot, but lets the sensor "see" through it. You can select this mode when selecting a VMR fixture in the properties -> General -> Use CAD data... "As Collision object".

Does this answer your question?

Kind regards,


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