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Change default box distance from range limits in recalled points


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I am recalling feature points for a number of lines and circles from a curve. I am using "Select Actual-points via Mouse cursor" to draw a box around the area for the line/circle I want to make. And this all works great, I can scan my curve all around some goofy geometry and then report a bunch of radii and distances.

But the parts are sometimes not the greatest and the actual profile would fall outside of the defined box.

In recall feature points, under "Add Range Limits", is it possible to change the default "Box Distance" from .0039 to .0100. I can change it manually but it would be nice if possible to just draw my boxes and be on my way without opening each one.
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There does not appear to be a way to change the default box distance for the Add Range Limits window, or at least I am not aware of how that can be changed.

When it comes to the Select Actual-points via Mouse cursor, or alternatively called the lasso, I recommend adjusting the limits of the box to a specific alignment rather than simply drawing the box for best results. See the KB article for more information.

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Joe is absolutely correct in that utilizing a local alignment for these selection boxes is the most robust method.

If your end goal is to be able to edit ALL box sizes with simple changes, the box dialog entries are formula friendly. If you have PCM, you can set these to a variable that can be edited from an alternate parameter input method (like plan or feature presettings). You can use a global feature for all (for say "width" to be 0.050 of all) or use the same variable in every feature and define it within the pre-settings of each feature each time. This way you can edit the box size/location in a much faster manner, however, this requires some sufficient program knowledge to edit reliably.

All that said, nearly 100% of this can be mitigated by using localized alignments based off relevant features so the box is shifting to the geometry appropriately. This is by far, the best method and how most production/automation inspection plans are structured.
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