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SSC File transfer


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I have a 5-way star probe on an RDS/XXT machine. The stylus system also has 44 additional styli at various rotations. On my Planner seat, I imported the SSC file of the star probe and then imported the "Star.txt" file created in the RC List window. I assigned the additional rotations and ended up with a stylus system that matches the one on the machine.

Now, I want to transfer this stylus system to another Planner seat. Is there a way to transfer the complete stylus system or will I need to repeat the process on the 2nd seat?
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Thanks. I was hoping that once a stylus system was "complete" from a simulation point of view, that there might be a new file that could be copied and pasted to the 2nd seat.

ding, ding, ding....if I copied the config folder to the second seat, would the stylus system transfered?
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If your seats are all the same you could perform a backup on seat #1 and then restore it on #2, I would think that should work as long as it's a newer version.

However this will backup and restore all machine tabs.

You could potentially copy the entire machine tab's folder to the other machine, then create a new tab in Calypso with the same name, it should prompt you saying that there is already one with that name, do you want to load settings?

Both should work I would think as they will move the probe database.
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Do not go backwards. Ever.

I strongly advise against doing this in any cases. All versions of CALYPSO have some change to SQL/SDO structure. Changes to SQL/SDO may not immediately reveal the error in data structure from a future dated/versioned config. SDO errors related to corrupt configs (SQL db) are significant to overcome. If your baseline config used for backup/restores was a down-versioned config, your issues are bound to recur. "Well, I tried it and it worked for me" is not a statement of validation. And "worked" does not indicate all uses of config were tested and may fail at a later date.

This is no different than attempting to down-version an inspection plan. I understand the desire to circumvent effort and save time (production calls!) but the risks far outweigh the benefits.
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